How to Effectively Manage Your Time as a Coach

Learn how coaches can effectively manage their time with these top tips for time management from Tony Robbins' Rapid Planning Method (RPM). Discover how setting goals and eliminating distractions can help maximize productivity.

How to Effectively Manage Your Time as a Coach

Have you ever stopped to think about how much more you could achieve if you only had a few more hours in the day? It's true that the most limited resource we have is time, but it's also true that you don't really need more time in the day, you just need time management tips to help you be more resourceful. You may think that you need other resources, such as money or connections, to be successful, but many of the world's top innovators started with the same amount of resources that you currently have. You can use some of these top tips for time management. Take control of your time and your life with the Tony Robbins Rapid Planning Method (RPM). This is a powerful way to identify what's most important to you and summarize the steps you need to take to achieve it.

RPM asks you to define what you want, identify why you want it, and then list the steps needed to achieve the goal. By connecting your tasks to your end goals, RPM helps you maximize your sense of satisfaction and, at the same time, achieve the results you really want. RPM planning allows you to get rid of your to-do list and asks you to create an action plan. Your plan keeps you focused on what really matters to you and how to manage your time effectively, not on crossing items off a list. You've eliminated an endless to-do list in favor of creating parts of tasks that are directly related to the desired results. This shift in focus leads to massive and significant changes in your life and allows you to naturally incorporate some of these time management tips into your regular routine.

Time-management tips, such as using Tony's quick planning method and fragmentation, can help you set goals, break them down into steps, and achieve them. But what if you can't find the materials or files you need to get started? Instead of writing that business plan, you end up spending hours reviewing your financial or inventory records. When you're going to send those thank you notes, you can't find the addresses. The files are lost on your computer and you don't even know where the email ends up. Getting organized is one of the most challenging time management tips for many of us because, instead of a one-time event, it's a constant process. Archive your important documents in well-labeled folders, either on your computer or on paper.

Organize your emails by topic or customer and unsubscribe from the ones you don't need. Work-life balance is important, but so is your time. If you focus on what's most important to you instead of giving in to what you think is expected of you, you'll have more free time to work on what really brings value to your life. That's why time goals are one of the most effective time management tips for achieving your goals. They are designated in four productivity and satisfaction zones that will help you decide where you should focus your energy. Tips for managing time aren't limited to planning.

What you feed your mind on a daily basis shapes the way you experience life, including your time. However, too many people believe that they “don't have time” to give their minds the kind of information that can help them create real, concrete results and achieve their dreams. Time problems are things that, at any given moment, seem to “only last a second”, but they accumulate over the course of the day. Avoid unnecessary meetings and don't spend too much time on social media. Limit the number of times you check your email to three or four times a day.

Delegate what you can, if you can. Are there any tasks that a staff member can do instead of you? Assign it to them and give them a chance to prove their worth. It's best that you spend your time doing something that only you can do. Part of eliminating wasted time includes minimizing distractions throughout the day. Close your office door and only have certain “open hours” where employees or co-workers are encouraged to come in to talk. Set your phone to silent mode and out of sight, unless you need to use it or are waiting for a call.

Make your email verification even better by choosing the exact times at which you check and respond, and stick with it. For many of us, these time management tips seem nearly impossible, but they will have the biggest impact. Another way to minimize distractions is to use the power of routine to eliminate unimportant decisions. Put your clothes on the night before so you don't waste time looking for a pair of socks. Plan your meals throughout the week and cook them in advance.

Take the same route to work so you don't have to think about it. This allows the brain to focus on what matters. It sounds counterintuitive, but taking breaks can help you be more productive. They give the brain a chance...

Désirée Lejeune
Désirée Lejeune

Certified zombie lover. General internet maven. Hipster-friendly beer maven. Evil zombie ninja. Amateur internet junkie. Freelance travel evangelist.

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